
大学荣誉课程是一种欢迎, engaged learning community for high-achieving students from all majors. 作为威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校荣誉课程的一部分, you'll have the chance to work with a diverse group of faculty and students who will both challenge and support you. 选择从各种各样的 创新课程 只提供荣誉学位, take advantage of unique leadership and research options, 并成为一个充满活力的社区的一部分. Our goal? To create opportunities that will help you develop intellectually, personally and professionally. 


Explore dozens of small, discussion-oriented courses reserved exclusively for Honors students.
Our nationally recognized Honors Program is a community built upon academic excellence.
作为大学荣誉学生, 你将有机会进行广泛的探索, 塑造你所在领域和社区的未来, 建立你的简历.

The Honors Program has allowed me to take classes outside of my field of study—classes that have helped me find areas that truly spark my interest. Being able to step outside of my comfort zone has helped me prepare for graduate school, and the friendly community has offered me support throughout my time in the program.

Jenny Boyle


The Honors Program takes pride in its small, interdisciplinary, discussion-based courses. When our highly motivated students from different backgrounds and majors share perspectives and work together, 这就是荣誉魔法发生的地方. Our courses are not harder--instead, they offer a different kind of learning. 

We offer over 30 courses per semester that are open only to Honors students. These courses include Honors colloquia--interdisciplinary classes on special topics, designed for Honors students--as well as Honors sections of introductory courses that are required in many majors. Honors students can also earn Honors credit for a variety of other high-impact experiences, 包括出国留学, research, and leadership.

With 95% of Honors students graduating in four years or less, Honors will help you get the most out of your education without extending time to graduation. In fact, Honors priority registration helps some of our students graduate early. Nearly all of our courses count toward the university's 博雅教育 core, and some courses also count toward major or minor requirements. 

There's no better way to learn about Honors than to check out this semester's 荣誉课程描述!


In Honors, 你会发现一个教师社区, staff, and students who will challenge and support you to aim high and learn everything you can. 我们有一个学生组织叫做 荣誉学生会, a 生活学习社区 in Bridgman Hall, and a community hub in the Honors Commons in McIntyre Library. 几乎每周都有, there's an Honors event where you can meet other students--social gatherings, 与教授共进晚餐, 社区服务项目, information sessions about interesting opportunities, 放松的活动, off-campus treks, and more. Our weekly newsletter, the Honors Headline, shares the news about all of our upcoming events.

Honors Stories
Mikayla Hady CERCA
米凯拉·哈迪(Mikayla Hady)来自珠穆朗玛峰. Auburn, Illinois, has always known she wanted to attend college in Wisconsin, 她的父母是哪里人. 她考虑过几所学校, but the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire felt like the right choice.
Julia Toenjes在意大利佛罗伦萨报道
Julia Toenjes was drawn to the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校 for numerous reasons. The Honors LLC became a major factor in Julia's choosing to come to 澳门葡京网赌送彩金. She was also drawn to 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 because of the undergraduate research opportunities.
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Eau Claire, WI 54701
United States